As a growing business, especially one without much brand recognition, you’ve probably found it challenging to expand your customer base.

You may have considered paying to produce and run ads on TV and radio, but worry you won’t see the results you’re looking for after a hefty investment.

Content marketing solves a lot of the problems inherent in traditional marketing and advertising methods. It’s not only more flexible and easier to measure, it’s much less expensive to produce. By properly utilizing social media, email and other digital channels, you can stay top of mind with customers through frequent and varied exposure.

You’ll also build a deeper connection to your brand by appealing to their lifestyle and habits. You become part of their lifestyle, and they become ambassadors for your brand and products.

Outpost helps you achieve your goals by devising a content marketing strategy that emphasizes generating the right content for your audience, and serving it to them when they are most likely to respond and share it with others.

We also track the performance of your content and measure results. This is key to fine-tuning strategy based on actual customer behavior. Your customers will tell us what they want, and we will give it to them.

We guide you through content creation — from articles to video — as well as scheduling, platform strategy and two-way communication. After all, content marketing is a conversation with your customers.

Curious how we can help you expand your brand’s reach to impact your bottom line? Tap the button below and let’s start our own conversation.

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